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Family Therapy and 6 Techniques and Intervention


Every person begins their life with a family, regardless of whether it is made up of blood relatives, adoptive parents, tight-knit neighborhoods, or foster families. The family we form as we grow up affects every aspect of our lives from our very first moment to our final.

Family therapy, also known as family counseling is a kind of therapy that is intended to address specific issues that affect the health and function of the family. It can assist families through an emotional time or major transition or to address mental or mental health issues among family members.

Family therapy could make use of methods or exercises taken from behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy as well as other forms of therapy for individuals. Similar to other forms of therapy, the methods utilized will depend on the specific issues that the patient or clients are dealing with.

If you believe that family therapy could be an option that could benefit you and your family members the best option is to find a qualified professional with whom you are able to develop a positive working relationship and tackle the challenges your family may be confronting.

Family Therapy
Source: Unsplash

Here are six methods and methods for intervention in family therapy:

1. The Miracle Question

This activity can be employed in couples, individual, or family therapy and is intended to assist the client(s) determine the kind of future they'd like to create. Everyone struggles at times however, sometimes the struggle is more difficult because we don't exactly what our ultimate goals are.

The Miracle Question is an excellent method to assist clients or clients to explore their own goals and desires. If used as part of therapy for families or couples it can assist clients in getting to know what their significant other or family member requires to be content and content with the relationship they have.

2. Color Candy Go Around

If you're looking for an enjoyable and innovative icebreaker or an introduction to family therapy, this activity is a great option to get started.

To participate in this activity with your family members, you'll require a box consisting of Skittles, M&Ms, or an equivalent candy. Give seven pieces to every family member and ask them to categorize the candy according to the color

Then you should ask one of your family members to choose one color and then share how many candies they have. For any candy of this color ask them to provide the same number of answers to the following questions in relation to the color:

  • Green is a word for describing your loved ones

  • Your family can have fun with purple - how it is having fun

  • Orange - things you'd like to improve in your family

  • Things to be concerned about;

  • Yellow is one of the most memorable memories you have with your loved ones.

3. Emotions Ball

It's a straightforward practice that requires only an object to play with and a pen or marker. It is often used by teens and children in a variety of settings because it eases the burden of discussing emotions for those who are not comfortable sharing their emotions.

The beach ball makes the perfect ball to play with. It's big enough to write multiple feelings on, yet easy to throw around in the form of a circle. Write a variety of feelings on it, including "joyful," "lonely," "silly," or "sad."

4. The Family Gift

This activity can assist the therapist get familiar with a family. If you're using it with no guidance from the therapist, it may aid in gaining a better understanding of your family members and spark a thoughtful discussion.

To give this idea try to take a few art materials and the gift bag. Inform the family that they'll make a gift using the materials available. The gift should be a present to the entire family which everybody in the family wants. They will have to decide on the best way to use this present and how it will be used within the family.

5. Mirroring Activity

This enjoyable exercise is a great method to get family members to connect to one another and collaborate.

The exercise is explained to a family member by a therapist using the following guidelines.

The therapist should demonstrate the exercise using someone in the household. Then, they are able to lead another.

This is a particularly beneficial activity for children, but it can be utilized with anyone in the family. It requires family members to give one another all their attention, be cooperative with each other, and communicate using both bodies and words.

6. Genogram:

Genograms are a diagram depiction of the client's family tree. In contrast to the normal family tree, the genogram offers much more details about the connections between relatives.

It is a tool to identify blood relationships and medical conditions within families, as well as, more typically in cases in family therapy relationships with the emotional.

Genograms provide two levels of information: the one that is found in the conventional family tree as well as one that offers a more complete view of the family tree:

  • Basic Information: Name, gender, and date of the birthday of death (if there is any);

  • Additional Information about education, profession significant life events, chronic illness, social behavior the nature of family relationships emotional, alcoholism, relationships with others, depression, disease, alliances, and living conditions

The benefits of family therapy

  • An understanding better of the healthy boundary as well as family dynamics and patterns;

  • Communication is improved;

  • Better problem solving

  • The empathy that is deeper;

  • Improved techniques for managing anger

This holistic approach to tackling problems in a family has been proven efficient in a variety of cases. Family therapy is a way for families to can discuss their issues with the help of a mental health professional in a secure and controlled setting.


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