Internet millennials are quite familiar with the term overthinking. Stress and anxiety are very common in the lives of modern millennials. We often find ourselves in hopeless, anxious, and depressed conditions throughout our lives. Throughout the early 20s, we fight hard to achieve our goals. The struggle gets even harder in the late 20s if failed to achieve in our early 20s. Besides career aspects, various other factors also impact a lot in the lives of millennials. Loneliness is a serious problem most millennials start facing during this frame of age. They start overthinking a lot which eventually starts keeping themselves away from work. Just sharing overthinking quotes and overthinking memes won't help you in any way overcoming your problems in real life.
Humans are quite interesting animals. Our fellow animals focus on just surviving. Humans are different. We have the unique characteristic of cooperation. This leads to hierarchy distribution in human societies. Hierarchy distributes power along with responsibilities. Dominance hierarchy leads to competition which eventually leads to an increase in anxiety and depression issues in human societies. Those who stay at the top of the hierarchy pyramid have the maximum power with maximum resources with the maximum probability of happiness. Though happiness cannot be measured in materialistic achievements yes the probability will be more at the top of the hierarchy pyramid as it eliminates all the struggle for survival and physical as well as metaphysical needs.

Overthinking is a serious issue in the lives of modern millennials. It's a never-ending loop. Like a positive feedback loop, once they enter, they get stuck in the loop failing to overcome it. Millennials get triggered by various life events which lend them to the overthinking zone. The triggers may be related to career, academics, life aspirations, or maybe relationships. Overthinking takes them far from their work and puts them in a zone difficult to come out of. This eventually put them in a ‘No Productivity’ zone ending up wasting time on idle and limbic tasks like scrolling Instagram and other social apps.
Why do millennials share memes all the time on social media?
What do you see the moment you open your social media feed? Mostly memes, motivational quotes, or probably life quotes. Overthinking memes are also a large part of this social universe. Millennials can often be found busy tagging their fellow ones with such quotes and memes. But ever wondered why this scene is becoming so common?
This is nothing but a mode of escapism. But why do you get a sense of escapism? If we analyze properly, the root cause we find is something related to ‘interest’. When we are not feeling a sense of satisfaction doing the stuff we are doing, we get distracted easily by any activity that has a higher potential for a better dopamine hit. This is the reason why you get distracted by Instagram during your study or other work hours. Dopamine detox and other similar concepts are now getting high attention from the millennials. All these concepts are no doubt cool, but for a long-term solution, I think these hacks are not that much beneficial. The only long-term solution is to find something that genuinely interests you and you can do that task 24*7 without even getting paid.
Sharing overthinking quotes is a waste of time:
What causes overthinking?
Definitely, we are not going into this discussion. But you must be aware of your social media time. Are you more of a consumer than a producer on any social platform? If the answer is yes, you must reduce your social media consumption. In this modern world, the contents you consume regularly defines the kind of person you are. Now you will counter me by saying that you follow only growth-related accounts. But the concern is not only with the contents. The real concern is productivity.
The time you spend on tasks like scrolling the Instagram reels won't help you in your game in most cases. These apps are designed in such a way to keep you the maximum possible time with them. You start diving deep into the no-productivity ocean and slowly in the process, you get stuck in the loop. This will start keeping you away from your work and you will end up sharing random memes or overthinking quotes on social media. It's a complete waste of time. The best way is to start working in something that you genuinely love doing. Improve your skills so that you can monetize them. Repeat the process and start multiplying your skills. That's it.
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