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Planning for a gap year? Here's your complete guide.

Writer: Srushti SontakkeSrushti Sontakke

A gap year is basically a period of time when someone takes a break from normal work life. Especially students or a university teacher. Today taking a gap year means stopping the work or study for a specific time to fulfill other needs.

What are the reasons for taking a gap year?

As soon as someone says he/she is taking a gap year, the first question that comes to our mind is what is the reason to do so!!!!

Let's make it simple,

Everyone has their own reason to take a break of a year.

It may be for relaxation, for personal development, to accomplish goals, to explore an interest, or to avoid academic burnout.

Is it worth taking a gap year?

What you do during your gap year defines how you prepare yourself for the future. It can boost you if you have spent your gap year properly. If you haven't worked on yourself and only done random stuff it will not be going to help you reach your goal. According to a recent survey, around 40% of students take a gap year. If you want a rise in your work and future, you have to work on your imperfections, overcome your weakness and add on new skills which will definitely make it worth taking a gap year.

Want to take a gap year?

The first thing to do before taking a gap year is planning. Planning about what exactly you want or you should do at that time. Break the year into segments and use those segments to accomplish individual goals.

Preplanning things makes it much easier for you to find out the real reason behind taking a gap year. Make a list of goals you want to achieve. Your goals may be some new experience, it may be new skills, or to improve your communication and confidence. Challenge yourself with where you are today and where you see yourself after this.

Benefits of gap year

Taking a gap year gives you the realization of work and life. You get more time to concentrate on yourself and improve it to the next level. It boosts your self-confidence and makes you independent.

A year gap gives you the maturity to handle yourself in tough times, it builds interest in learning new things. It gives you a year-long time to pursue other passions and for self-exploration.

If you are taking a gap year to have a break from work then you get time to relax and find some peace.

What to do on a gap year with no money?

If you are a student and taking a gap year before further higher studies, it's common that you will have to think about money.

There are things which you can do with minimum money:

1. Find your interest in some languages and start an online study. Knowing a second language gives you a competitive advantage and sets you away from the crowd. There are employees who are seeking professionals who can communicate in different languages. Thus increase your chance of standing out.

2. Conduct research about the topics you are interested in. Researching will help you in exploring deep in a particular sector.

3. You can take care of your family business. This is one of the best ways to pass the gap year. Doing so will help your business to grow as well as you will develop an interest in some new field which may help you in the future.

How to make money in a gap year?

* Become an intern :

The internship is a work experience offered by an organization for a particular time. Find an internship if you have some skills in a domain. Take it as a challenge and prove yourself.

You will not only get the stipend but also will have something to add to your portfolio as experience. You get to work on a real project and get to know about the work and office life.

* Blogging :

If you are really interested in making money through blogging, you have to put in some effort. You need to have knowledge about writing. Write on a topic that is trending. Do a case study, make a list of points, and elaborate.

You can make a travel blog, educational blog or you can review products. Blogging will not only help you to make some money but also give you a brilliant collection of your work which you can look back in time.

* Freelancing :

If you don't want to work in an office environment, freelancing is the best option where you will have no burden of boss and team. It gives you the opportunity to work for more than one client. Choosing a niche is an important part to start freelancing.

Get a clear idea about the services you want to provide. Prepare a brilliant portfolio so that others can see your performance and work. Search for your ideal clients and you are ready to work.


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